Top 5 Infant Bonding Aids

There are many bonding aids for parents to use for bonding with their babies. The top five recommended bonding aids are breast feeding, skin to skin contact, infant massage, and baby wearing. Breast feeding has important nutrients for your baby, but that isn't the only thing breast feeding offers your little one. When you are breast feeding your baby you are also bonding, making a connection between you and your baby by touching, eye to eye contact and the natural smell of you that babies learn to recognize and be comforted by. Skin to skin contact is an important bonding aid too.

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Similar to the benefits breast feeding offers, skin to skin contact helps parents bond with their babies by the warmth of the skin, the sound of your heartbeat if the baby is laying on your chest, and the natural scent of the mother of father. Skin to skin contact is a great way for mothers and fathers to bond with their baby. Infant Massages are another wonderful way for the mother and father to bond with their baby. The techniques used in infant massages offer calming and soothing effects for fussy babies. The touch from the massage along with the eye to eye contact is an amazing bonding aid for your baby.

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Fabric dolls are another commonly used bonding aid. These are small dolls that the mother sleeps with to release her natural scent on the doll. The doll is then placed with the baby and naturally the mothers scent calms the baby. Fabric dolls are also a great bonding aids for babies that are in the NICU and cannot be held or cannot be around the mother or father often due to their conditions. These dolls are also fantastic for bonding with your baby while the mother and father are at work and the baby has to be left with a sitter or in a daycare facility.

Many parents use a baby sling to carry their baby around while going about their everyday lives. Believe it or not baby carrying is another bonding aid. When the mother or father places the baby in the sling it creates a bond by the baby being help close to them, the natural scent of the parent, the mother or father's voice, and by eye to eye contact. There are many ways to wear a sling therefor making it fit each individual parents needs and to adjust to the baby's growing in size.

Top 5 Infant Bonding Aids
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