How Your Baby Can Learn to Read

Babies have been learning to read for longer than we know of. In the last decade, thousands of parents the world over have been teaching their babies to read. It is simple to do and takes very little time. It is important to read to your baby beginning at birth. This is a very important first step in teaching babies to read. If you want your baby to easily learn to read, do plenty of reading each day.

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It is important to point to the words as you read them. Even though you may think your baby isn't paying attention, your baby is recognizing the written word and its patterns. Through continued reading and text pointing, your baby is making associations between the words on the page and the words you are saying.

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Babies are able to learn to read whole words by seeing them in an isolated state. It is important to show babies words without pictures. The words must be a decent size. We cannot expect babies to read words at the font size adults read.

By exposing your baby to language beginning at birth, through reading, speaking and pointing out words, your baby will be learning to read. Babies that are taught in this way can read orally when they begin to speak. They are capable of reading mentally at a much younger age, however, their skills are not usually apparent until they read out loud.

There are educational videos available that teach babies language. These are very helpful in naturally teaching babies to read. Videos like Signing Time and Monki See Monki Doo focus on language. By viewing these videos regularly, your baby will pick up the patterns of language and learn to read.

I began teaching my son to read as an infant. By the time he was 12 months old, he was reading lots of words. By 18 months old he could read full sentences and by 2 years old he was reading Little Bear books. What began as a game we played each day evolved into an important life skill. My son never remembers a time when he couldn't read.

How Your Baby Can Learn to Read
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