Small children are exposed many things which affects the way they grow up. Bright colors and cheerful music go a long to developing an intelligent and happy child. A lot can be said for the effect that nature has on people in general and more so on babies. However, it is not easy to expose small children nature without taking serious risks, considering their diminutive statures. Being able to take babies and small children on hikes and trails has become much easier with a stroller like the Bugaboo Cameleon stroller. This 20 pound fully featured wonder is made from aircraft grade aluminum making it one of the most durable strollers on the market.
The main attraction of this stroller is its adaptability. The stroller provides a smooth ride and handling experience for both the passenger and navigator. It is capable of traversing as easily over uneven terrain as it would a neighborhood sidewalk. This is due to the combination of its large tires and reversible handlebars. The tires are air filled with the front wheels measuring in at six inches and the rear wheels maxing out at 12 inches.
Convertible Stroller
These are used in conjunction with the handlebars, which only need to be reversed to the opposite side, to turn the stroller into an off-road pram. With the bigger wheels at the front, the stroller is placed in four-wheel drive mode making traversing tough terrain less of a hassle and inaccessible areas become a thing of the past. The stock tires may also be replaced by snow tires should the need or desire to do so ever arise.
The durability of the Bugaboo Cameleon stroller is not only attributed to its frame. The stroller comes equipped with a bassinet as well as a toddler seat thus lengthening the lifetime of the pram. The stroller is capable for handling up to 40 pounds, which is approximately the age of a four-year-old. The sturdy frame and maneuverability over tough terrain are what will allow families to take their small children anywhere to see the beauty of nature in all her splendor.
This stroller contains an added feature that will make the most of events like these. The seat is adjustable so that the child can face either direction and never have to miss a moment. This stroller is the perfect companion for an adventurous family; it is tough, versatile and provides comfort and protection for the child.
Black Friday Peg-Perego 2010 Skate Stroller System, Tropical 2011 Deals
Nov 21, 2011 18:48:35
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Black Friday Peg-Perego 2010 Skate Stroller System, Tropical Feature
- High performance chassis/frame with 3-height positions and can be equipped with bassinet (included), stroller seat (included) or prima viaggio infant car seat (sold separately)
- Skate chassis features shock absorbers and ball bearings on front wheels that can swivel or be locked, along with central brake, height adjustable handle and drink holder
- Super comfortable stroller seat that can be tilted to a number of positions as well as reversed to face parent or outside world
- Comes fully accessorized - includes large hood, leg cover boot and rain cover that fits both bassinet and stroller seat
- Carriage bassinet offers spacious padded interior (internal dimensions 30.5" x 13") and easily attaches to chassis and with convenient carry handles can also be used as a portable bassinet
Black Friday Peg-Perego 2010 Skate Stroller System, Tropical Overview
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