What Do the Different Types of Britax Car Seats Bring to the Table?

The invention of the automobile caused great strides and significant advances in the realm of human societal development. This extremely momentous technological breakthrough created and provided tremendous strides for the development of human life and the standards by which we live. These advances, while great and no doubt helpful in their own right, must be applied and used as carefully and as certainly as possible, as these may be dangerous if applied with no regard for safety and care. The automobile is no exception to this concept. The use of Britax car seats is one such step to providing safety to rein in such a technological marvel as the automobile.

Convertible Stroller

The use of reliable car seats is the best method of providing for the safety and wellbeing of children, bar none. Before the invention of these car seats, children were either left unrestrained inside the automobile or were strapped in with adult seat restraints. Due to this severe lack of awareness as regards child safety, the death rate of children and infants in automobile related mishaps is overwhelming. Statistics show that over 2,100 children or infants die in automobile accidents every year, while an even greater number, numbering around 300,000, are otherwise injured. The sad fact, however, is this: the mishaps and accidents are by no means unavoidable. Most occur due to the lack of awareness on the part of the supervising adult as regards the true matter of their children's safety in the car. Most, if not all, the accidents are due to the child being left unrestrained. Adult restraints like the seat belt just won't cut it for our children. The use of child safety seats is a non-negotiable truth for the proper transportation of children and infants in automobiles. Britax car seats guarantee children's safety everywhere.

Convertible Stroller

How do you compare Britax car seats? Let us first work under this assumed fact: by no means are car seats made by inferior brands on the same level as those made by Britax. Generally, child safety seats have been classified according to the age group they were designed for. The three normal types in this form of classification are: Infant Seats, Convertible Seats, and Booster Seats. Britax sar seats follow this same convention, with the addition or modification of the classic Convertible Seats and Booster Seats.

Infant Seats: These seats are obviously designed for infant's use. These seats are designed to be rear-facing, in accordance with studies that show such a design provides more safety for users. Britax provides two choices, the Chaperone and the Chaperone Base. Convertible Seats: Britax has two types of this kind of car seat, the Next-Generation Convertible Car Seats and their Classic Convertible. The only difference is that the former can manage to install a five-point harness for use all throughout the toddler years. They are so named because one can convert them from rear-facing to forward-facing use. Booster Seats: Britax again provides two distinct choices for this type, the Combination Harness 2 Booster and the Belt-Positioning Booster Seats. These car seats are designed for the simultaneous use of the car's own restraints. The choice of what seat is proper lies in the age of the child concerned.

What Do the Different Types of Britax Car Seats Bring to the Table?
Convertible Stroller

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