Affordable Baby Room Ideas

Sometimes when it comes to decorating a toddler's room you are afraid to do anything major, interior decorating can definitely become expensive, but it doesn't have to be major to be fun or a success. One option is to paint the room, changing the color can be fun for your child, although it can be quite the hassle. Another great way, is to simply purchase new bedding for your toddler. Alway make sure to involve the child in the decision. Allow them to join you in the shopping process. Perhaps your little one has a favorite TV show or new Pixar film. That's almost an ingeniously easy fix. All it takes is a little searching, if the stores nearby don't have what you're looking for, than get online. You can find anything you are looking for. And that is a promise. 

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But maybe you are like my mother. She didn't like having anything printed or branded on our beds it may growing and changing tastes difficult and expensive. Instead she would sit me down at each new bed room- we moved a lot- and she would help me look through catalogues and my favorite belongings and choose a theme. A color theme or perhaps a animal theme. We would look all over for the perfect bedding that would go along with my room. I once chose cherries. I don't know where I got the idea but it was exciting to me. We went out and shopped all around until we found a simple bedspread that was tied with little ribbon cherries. I was so excited to take it home and decorate my room. I wanted my room painted yellow and then I accented it with reds. It did help that my mother was an interior designer by trade, I suppose. 

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But as I got older and had to decorate my own rooms I began to come to the assumption that the simpler the choices the better. Your little one does have opinions don't be afraid to explore them. If they like the green grass outside, perhaps bringing it inside wouldn't be a bad idea. Or if they really like stars, then easy, go to the store and buy a bag of those glow in the dark stars. Stick them all over the ceiling. They won't tire of staring up at the constellations you made together. There is no room that can top one designed by parent and child. Even if they are little, and almost especially while they are toddlers. Allow them to begin to express themselves. They have very quick working little brains and they want to solve puzzles and help out especially if it is for their own room. 

A simple way to make it all come together. If you do decide that painting the room is the way to go. Choose one or two of the colors in the rainbow. What ever you choose, get a couple. Then offer the child more options. If they choose green, get them a sampling of the range of green, from sea foam green, to forest green. Helping your child discover that there are even more colors out there, begins to open up a whole new world for them. This is the perfect time to create a new world for them, make it fun and stimulating and do it together.

Affordable Baby Room Ideas
Convertible Stroller