Each style of diaper bag serves a different purpose. Some are simply more aesthetic while others are more practical. A few of the most common styles are a cross body messenger bag, a backpack, a timeless black diaper bag, a convertible style bag you can carry a variety of ways, a luxury designer diaper bag to make a statement, and don't forget about dad. He needs to be able to carry the baby gear too.
Lighten your load! Backpack diaper bags are a convenient way to carry your baby's essentials without hurting your back. They leave your hands free to take care of your baby while keeping your stuff organized throughout the day. These are often a good gender neutral choice for both moms and dads.
Convertible Stroller
Investment! A black bag is a great baby bag investment. These are neutral, chic, and practical. A black bag hides dirt, matches with everything and is gender neutral for your next baby. It is also flexible and can be used for a stroll in the park or a black tie event.
Can't make up your mind? Convertible diaper bags are the most flexible. The adjustable straps on these bags allow the bag to be worn as a backpack, a messenger bag, or hooked to a stroller. This style often has a lot of pockets both inside and out to keep things organized.
Luxury, Chic & Fabulous! Designer diaper bags are the perfect choice for moms with style. They make you feel like you are carrying a designer hand bag with all the necessities of a diaper bag. Designer baby bags are all the rage - they are fashionable & luxurious.
Cool Dad! Dad can have his own man bag to carry everything for the baby. Men's baby bags look great while keeping dad organized throughout the day. Daddy diaper bags are available in a variety of styles, durable fabrics, and sizes. Dads don't need to carry a cute character on their bag or mom's floral bag. There are many men's baby bags that resemble a brief case, backpack, or even a gym bag.
Hands Free! Messenger style bags are worn over one shoulder and across the chest to lighten your load and keep your hands free for your baby. The messenger style is a good gender neutral choice for moms and dads. The large front flap makes this bag style look casual and trendy all at once. Messenger style baby bags come in all sizes, colors, and fabrics. Make sure you select one that fits your personality.
Babies are very unpredictable and do not give much notice to when they will need to be fed or a need a clean diaper. Select a baby bag that looks great and will help you stay organized in anticipation of tending to your baby's needs as quickly as possible.
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JL Childress Gate Check Bag for Car Seats, Red Feature
- Protects car seat from dirt and germs
- Not recommended for baggage check
- Measures approximately 18 by 18 by 34"
- Compact travel pouch measures 5 by 1.5 by 9"
JL Childress Gate Check Bag for Car Seats, Red Overview
Use this handy, compact travel bag when gate-checking a car seat or infant carrier to protect it from dirt and germs.It can also keep infant carriers clean during conveyor belt security check. The bright red color and large graphics easily identify your item for return to gate. Fits and covers most car seats easily with draw-string closure and adjustable lock. Stuffs quickly into attached 5" x 9" pouch for traveling convenience. Webbing handle. Personal identification box and strong, webbed, cary handle.Easy care. Wipe clean with mild soap and damp cloth. Red. Not recommended for baggage check. (34" x 18" x 18").Available In Stock. |