The Best Convertible Car Seat Review: The New Britax Marathon Vs The Older Version

If you are looking for the best convertible car seat for your child, there is a particular product that is really worth mentioning. The Britax Marathon 70 Convertible Car Seat is one of the best car seats that are ever designed. If you go to Amazon and check on its reviews, you can see for yourself how excellent this product have been rated. They are so amazing, that in this article I feel obliged to tell a bit about it.

Convertible Stroller

As compared to the older version of Britax Marathon, the new Marathon seat is built a little shorter which means the front passenger seat can be push all the way back. It also has rubber at the bottom that will help the seat from sliding especially on leather seats.

Convertible Stroller

The new Britax Marathon has a wider base as compared to the old ones and the seat curves seems deeper too. When you put your child in this seat, you will notice that your kid will literally be surrounded by the seat which means that your child's head will be safer and secured. Britax is well-known for its steel bars. This is one of the best safety features that exist in all Britax products and it is still being incorporated in this new Britax Marathon 70 Convertible Car Seat.

The installation is also much easier than the old model, this could be due to the wider base. The best part is that, after installation, the seat does not move side to side. The Britax Marathon also comes with variety of beautiful colors and its material seems easy to clean.

Despite of those good points that I have mentioned above, there are a couple of things that I think needed to be improved. In the rear facing position, since the head protection is a lot wider than in the older Marathons, I feel it is a bit hassle to get him in and out the seat. However, this is a good thing for his safety and it is a matter of getting used to. The Britax Marathon 70 Convertible Car Seat also does not recline as much in rear facing as the old Marathons, but again the child's neck and head seem alright.

On the whole, Britax marathon is a great product. They are constantly improving their car seats and you can see it in this new Britax Marathon seat. The price of the seat is not the cheapest, but I figure it's just a small price to pay for keeping your son safe. Some car seats move a lot side-to-side but definitely not with this one.

The Best Convertible Car Seat Review: The New Britax Marathon Vs The Older Version
Convertible Stroller